USB ASP AVR Microcontroller Universal USB Programmer


USB ASP is stand alone USB programmer for Atmel AVR microcontrollers, It mainly consist of atmega8 micro controller and some supportive components. Works with multiple platforms including linux, MacOS, & windows. This programmer is originally build by Thomas Fischl under GNU GPL 2 licence.

In this post, we will see how to make this programmer using atmega8. You can also use atmega88 or atmega48 instead of atmega8, firmware files for both is attached at download section at the bottom.



Components List: 

  •  IC :             Atmega8
  • C1, C2 :      18 pF
  • C3:              100 nF
  • Q2:             12MHz  cristal
  • R1 :             10K
  • R6, R2 :     68 Ω
  • R3:             270 Ω
  • R4, R5  :    390 Ω
  • R7 :             1.5 KΩ
  • J1, J2, J3 :       Jumper
  • D1 :                   3mm Red LED
  • D2 :                  3mm Green LED
  • K4 :                  USB male pcb mount


Circuit Diagram :





  1. Download firmware rar file form download section and unrar the files in folder, it consist of three hex files for atmega8, atmega48 & atmega88. Select one hex file for your microcontroller and flash it in using another working programmer.
  2. You have to change the fuse bits for external crystal as bellow,
    atmega8  HFUSE=0xc9   LFUSE=0xef
    atmega48  HFUSE=0xdd  LFUSE=0xff
    atmega88  HFUSE=0xdd    LFUSE=0xff

    (Note: Put jumper J2 ON, at the time of programming firmware in ASP microcontroller  )

  3. once you are done with the flashing and fuse bit setting, install the USB drivers for your windows. (Drivers are attached at download section)
  4. For installing drivers, Connect USB ASP to your computer (Put jumper J2 OFF ). When windows ask for a driver, choose downloaded win-drivers folder. And it will install drivers to your computer automatically.
  5. Unplug USB asp and plug it again and windows will detect it. Now you can use ASP programmer to program AVR microcontrollers. AVRDUDE or eXtreme Burner GUI are easy to use software’s for USB ASP, Download it from the links given bellow.






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